Contact Us

We want to hear from you!

Note that since we do not manage drug screen collections, clinics/mobile collectors should not reach out requesting to be in our network or to get referral business. We recommend that collectors register with Nationwide Third Party Administrators (TPA’s) that specialize in managing collection networks. If you need a laboratory partner to process your organizations’ existing samples, please provide your monthly volume by specimen type as well as reason for test (IE: pre-employment, court/personal, student testing).

If you have questions, comments or concerns please contact us via contact form, postal service, or phone. 


We are excited to announce that, in response to increased demand, our SAMHSA Certified lab in Ontario, Canada will now be open on Saturdays. 

Starting September 7th, our new hours of operation will be Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. This expansion allows us to better serve our clients with extended hours and faster turnaround times, giving them peace of mind knowing their testing is handled by experts adhering to SAMHSA’s rigorous protocols.

Omega Laboratories - World Headquarters
400 N. Cleveland Avenue
Mogadore, Ohio 44260 USA
Telephone: 800.665.5569 / +1.330.628.5748
Fax: +1.330.628.5803
Omega - Ontario
2150 Dunwin Drive, Unit 1 & 2
Mississauga, ON L5L 5M8 Canada
Telephone: +1.289.919.3188
Contact Omega Laboratories